Safety Management System
We operate a comprehensive system while using modern technology to gather data and keep it simple for our team.
The system comprises of:
- High Level Safety Management Plan
- Driving and Transport Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Safety Calendar
- Organisation Crisis Management Plan
- Three-Tier Hazard Management System
- Tier One – Environment Specific coupled with AMPs (Activity Management Plans)
- Tier Two – Location specific coupled with LMPs (Location Management Plans)
- Tier Three – New or recent Hazards – live reporting and notifications
Registered as an adventure activity provider with Work Safe and audited by Adventure Mark.
Safety First
Safety is our number one priority. This starts with the Peel Forest Outdoor Centre’s team culture. We pride ourselves in allowing for open discussion and at any time. If anyone feels unsafe or if something is happing in an unsafe way, they are encouraged to speak up.
Our staff are NZIOA (New Zealand Outdoor Instructor Association), and Te Mahi Ako (formerly Skills Active) and NZRA (New Zealand Raft Association) qualified. Most of our instructors have at least 2 years’ experience in their chosen field, have graduated with a 2-year diploma and hold more than one professional outdoor qualification.
On-going training, site familiarisation, staff induction, appraisals and peer mentoring also ensure that high standards of instruction and safety are maintained. Our instructors stay current by immersing themselves in the outdoors outside of work too.
We are more than happy to supply information regarding the staff working with your group if required.
Hazard and Risk Disclosure

We believe in full transparency.
Every participant must understand the associated risks before participating in an activity with us, which is why we have worked hard to make our safety management system and field-processes easy to understand.
No activity is without some level of risk. This document is the basic overview of our assessed residual risk levels as they relate to each hazard after our risk management strategies and controls are in place. More specific information is available for your activity and location on request.
We welcome all safety-related questions, feedback and are happy to share our work with other organisations in the hope that we can help make the outdoor education industry as low-risk as possible.
Our Courses and Programmes
We are a diverse centre that offers a large range of programmes. We specialise in custom designed programmes with activities and learning outcomes chosen to suit each individual or group.
To top this off, we offer scheduled skill courses, holiday programmes and Duke of Edinburgh adventurous journeys and practices at all levels.