RDR Personal Development Journey

Sponsored by the Rangitata Diversion Race, this programme provides transferrable personal, social and environmental skills applicable to student’s outside world and community.
Eddy Out Programme

Eddying out refers to pulling into calm water for a breather. Join this 8-day adventure for a breath of fresh air. Meets DOE Residential requirements.
Anonymous – Eddy Out Programme, 2022
“If I am being honest this camp was run very well and everyone in the group seemed to enjoy it a lot.”
Anonymous – Eddy Out Programme, 2022
“I thought the group size we had made the trip more of an experience and learning opportunity because we all got to know each other quickly making us more comfortable around each other allowing us to take more risks and be more adventurous.”
Anonymous – Eddy Out Programme, 2022
“The group bonded well together as a whole. Encouragement came with every activity and really helped to complete tasks and activities. The range of activities made it really enjoyable and there was never a dull moment. On the tramp Kendall and Eliot made it more enjoyable by stepping back and letting us control the tempo […]