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Intro to Mountaineering

Keen to go further and climb higher? Learn the key skills to move on snow and in the mountains above the bush line in winter conditions! A pre-requisite for the Avalanche Awareness course.

Bush Navigation

A 2-day course aimed at teaching or improving bush navigation and bushcraft skills. Appropriate for recreational trampers, hunters or those training for adventure-race/ or rogaine style events.

School Holiday Programmes

Peel Forest Outdoor Centre activities offerings for kids during the school holidays. Choose from a variety of activities or sign up for a whole week! Sign up for 5 days straight of adventure-based holiday programming or pick the activities and days you like!

River Safety and Rescue Training

We believe everyone should be equipped with basic river safety skills. Learn, upskill or get qualified to teach river safety and rescue. River rescue and safety training offered at different levels to suit students, workplaces, instructors.